‘To me, the art is one of the most important pillars holding up the world and keeping it going. I get most of my inspiration from: thoughts, experiences and people, and in natures many extreme expressions. The things that shapes us, builds us up and breaks us down again; the essence of ourselves, our thoughts and actions.”
Geir Nustad is combining his experience as a craftsman, being trained in Kosta Glass center, with his time in the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, to develop a new expression in glass. Combining this with new and refreshing ideas on how we experience Society, and the struggle of being a human. With the goal of raising questions about a topic more ten trying to find answers for them.
His work consists mainly of glass, either as a sculptural medium or in the direction of design/applied-arts, as in the ‘graal’ works. He wants to bridge the use of glass as a material both in craft, design and art. He wants to create a deeper connection to it, the object or sculpture. His starting point for the sculptures is often charcoal drawings, with focus on emotions, feelings or a state of mind. Geir wants to project the feelings from the drawings into glass sculptures, creating an emotional response within the spectator. The exterior texture and expressions, in both body language and facial expressions, of the sculptures are creating a communication between them (viewer and the sculpture). Geir is challenging the glass and changed the expression of the material, to almost “Im-material”, with the visual properties as ceramics, stone or metal. Taking away the “glassiness” from the glass and leaving it with the pure expression.
Het glas heeft door Geir Nustad een andere ‘huid’ verkregen, wat betekent dat? Kom naar Galerie De Aventurijn en ervaar het zelf.